Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tummy Check - Second Appointment

Hello Family and Friends!

Yesterday (March 26) Greg and I went to our first appointment together to see Dr. Epstein, yes we were late but only 15 minutes. I was seen right away and the doctor did a tummy check, he said the fetus was growing and is a healthy size. Dr. Epstein used some special sound equipment and I can't recall the name but Greg and I heard the heart beat which was very fast and then we heard this scratchy sound. Dr. Epstein did you hear that? Greg and I said yes, the doctor said that was the baby kicking. It was so touching! My next appointment is April 23 on a Wednesday which is when we should know the sex of the baby! I'll try my best to be on time for this one. I hope you all continue to visit and sign the blog when you do so that I know you've visited my page. I'll continue to post more pictures and provide updates. Thanks again for all of your love and support.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First Photo

There's baby, so cute!


Yea!!! Oh yes, I am the most excited GrandDiva. Congratulations Tamaira and Greg on the little one coming to this big ole world, ready or not. Please let us all know how things are progressing.

Best wishes!